Cameracronica Contributors
> Gaetano Fusco

Gaetano Fusco, Ph.D. and Professor of Architectural and Urban Design at the DiARC of the University of Naples ‘Federico II’. With ArchitecturaStudio he lives and practices the profession as an intellectual space that goes hand in hand with research, teaching and writing. He is a member of the Accademia Adrianea - Prix de Rome. He has published several books including a monograph on Francesco Di Salvo.

Cameracronica Contributors
> Francesca Bruni

Francesca Bruni (1964) architect and researcher of Architectural and Urban Design at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’, carries out studies on city and project topics. She published, among other things, the volumes ‘The role of the project in transforming the periphery. A reading of the Northern area of Naples (2005) and ‘Arrange the distance. Living in the city seeking nature’ (2016).

Cameracronica Contributors
> Rosario Di Petta

Rosario Di Petta, Architect and Ph.D. in Architectural Design. He taught, as adjunct professor, for  several years  at  the  Department  of Architecture of  the  University of Naples ‘Federico II’. In his research, he mainly investigated the work of some famous contemporary architects, as  evidenced by monographs dedicated to Louis Kahn, Franco Purini and Oswald Mathias Ungers.

Cameracronica Contributors
> Valentina Solano

Valentina Solano, architect, photographer and scholar of the “urban scale” of architecture and in particular of the urban regeneration.


Historic Architects
> Aldo Loris Rossi

Aldo Loris Rossi was born in Bisaccia (Italy) in 1933. He studied in Naples in the Faculty of Architecture. Loris Rossi followed the cultural and political action of Bruno Zevi. He is an author of skilled drawings, many of which were donated by the Center Pompidou in Paris and by the FRAC of Orleans. He created high-profile architectural works in Naples, primarily the Casa del Portuale, the Piazza Grande housing complex in the Ponti Rossi area and the building in San Giacomo dei Capri street. He signed the urban plan of the city of Pozzuoli considered, after the evacuation for the earthquake, as a geological-architectural unicum, a natural and artificial megastructure, but he also produced drawings, texts, and projects for many design competitions with the collaboration with Donatella Mazzoleni. He died on June 28, 2018.

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